Episode 30
Starting Off On The Right Paw - Dog and Cat Chat with Yvonne
There’s a lot to consider when you’re first starting your pet’s journey to coexistence. It’s easy to get lulled into a false sense of security if problems don’t immediately arise. But rather than wait for things to go wrong, start things off on the right paw!
Yvonne joined me for a Dog and Cat Chat - my new 30 minute free coaching sessions - to find out the best ways to start integrating her new cat Lizzy with the household’s resident Bull Terrier, Sunny.
Key Moments
[01:01] Cast of characters
[02:13] Should I foster a cat? Introducing a cat into a household with a dog and small children.
[02:49] Lizzy’s behavior after being introduced into the household
[04:13] The current state of affairs: The setup in the home
[06:13] Territory plans for Lizzy in the future
[07:09] House layout challenges
[07:48] Expanding territory: initial management ideas
[09:27] Current enrichment for Sunny
[11:30] Meeting individual enrichment needs before bringing two animals together
[12:22] Enrichment ideas for an excitable dog to get those zoomies in
[12:42] Recent adventures with using a flirt pole for enrichment
[13:40] Close play vs distanced play
[13:52] Using play to introduce new skills
[14:00] Knowing when to stop high intensity play
[14:40] Introducing a drop cue for energy regulation
[15:25] Enrichment ideas for Lizzy
[15:50] Why a cat might not be interested in toys
[16:43] Food stations
[17:15] Sunny’s stair behaviors and the adventure with guinea pigs
[19:54] Sunny’s adventures with Lizzy escaping to the second floor
[21:12] Finding threshold distance for beginning setups
[21:27] Initial setups: ideas for starting out
[22:10] Sunny the space reducing pup
[22:25] Lizzy the space seeking kitty?
[23:00] Progressive steps: Setup two
[25:16] Lizzy’s goals for the very first steps
[25:28] Sunny’s goals for the very first steps
[25:51] Establishing two levels of management
[28:02] Expectation management
[29:19] Training eating behaviors
Squishy Face Studio Flirt Pole
Frisco Silicone Treat Lick Mat